Since this was a Jingle Bell Jog, I put bells on my shoes and on Kaitlyn's shoes. My Tiger cubs had made big jingle bell necklaces with a HUGE bell and a shoelace so I had that on as well. Our race packets, in addition to having a pretty nifty blue sweatshirt with the logo on it, also had even more bells so those got pinned on my shirt.
It was about 46F, gray and cold when we lined up for the start. It was kinda odd since I could clearly see where the front runners were lined up but the majority of the crowd was lined up in FRONT of them. I verified that it was the front and made my way to the back. The gun went off and we took off.
This course followed some of the Queen City course and some of the APSU course but it didn't make much difference. Since we were running in downtown Clarksville, we were running on HILLS! And then some more HILLS!
I was going to follow a group that I knew did a run/walk interval but then just could not do it...even though they finished before me. I just really don't like to walk and then start running again although I did walk up one hill.
Kaitlyn took off right at the beginning and while I could see her in front of me, the stinker stayed in front of me the entire time.
Despite the fact I said I was not going to worry about my time, I just could not put forth some effort so I managed to pull out my second fastest 5K time. I finished in 33:xx ...not sure of the specifics, I think maybe close to 14? Kaitlyn finished in 31:xx. Samantha was out there running with us and finshed in 35:xx
We didn't win any door prizes but I had a fun run. Here are my splits:
1 mile: 9:59 (Entirely too fast!!)
2 mile: 11:14
3 mile: 10:53
.17 mile: 8:20
Boy, I was all over my pace today. According to my Garmin, my time was 33:37 for a 10:35 pace. I know I was off the official clock though.
I will miss running here even though I complain about the hills. This is where I started it and the people who helped me start and stick with it are here. Still, we are only a phone call/email away now and I know that I will meet some totally awesome runners in Virginia.