Sunday, August 16, 2009

Plodding Along

After months of nothing but lackluster running, I decided to kick myself in the butt and start running more again.

The past week, I finished out a 5 day running week with double digit milage. It sounds much more impressive than it actually is given that my weekly milage is less than some of my previous single runs. Bleh.

Still, I know the only way to get back there or close to where I was is to actually get out there and work at it. To that end, I ran 5 days last week and started out this week with a longer, slow run.

Nope, not gonna get milage or split times from me yet. I am too embarassed to actually post how slow I have become and how pitiful my milage is. Yes, any milage is better than none but I am allowed to call it pitiful.

My goals for this week is to run 4 more times and gradually increase both distance and pace.

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