Monday, December 19, 2005

Sick as a Dog

Yep, everyone here has been sicker than the proverbial dog...which probably accounts more for my loss this week than anything that I did.

I knew the holidays would prove to difficult, exercise wise. I should know this because last year at this same time is when I fell from the step class wagon. Of course, then I had the excuse of being pregnant which gave me an out to continue to not exercise. I don't have that luxury this year and really, if I did, I would not be using it.

Having the kidlets underfoot and on hand (not in school) makes it almost impossible to get out. I could do my DVDs but then I have to wait until they are in bed, when I want to go to bed too. Yep, excuses right? They are excuses. Let's be real, I have not exercised because it moved to the lower end of my priority list right now and I have not forced the time to do it.

Soo....Miss.....what do I need to do to get this ball back on track? Not to worry, I am still committed to this, I really am. I just am not going to add to my already heavy stress load but getting in a funk about not getting my run in.

Two weeks, I keep telling myself that things will be better in two weeks. Why two weeks? That is when my better half, my dear husband, should be returning home. Once that happens, I don't have such a load on just me any longer and I can put myself first again without having to feel guilty about the things that I should be doing.

So, this week I was down 1.8 lbs. Woo hooo! It has probably been at least 2 years since I was down this low. <----- Look at the fat-o-meter over there! Slowly but surely it is going down. If you read along or you just coasted in, please comment and let me know how you cope with trying to do all the holiday fiddle faddle and get your you time in. I just realized I never updated last week...eeek! I was down .4 lbs, which put me right back where I was a few weeks ago since I had that gain.

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