Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Since it is Tuesday, I had a weigh in today. I didn't post last week but I did lose last week as well. As of today, I am down another 3.2 lbs, putting me at 5% of my starting weight lost! Woo hoo!

I have to say, I really thought I would not like Weight Watchers much. I was sure that I was going to be limited in what I could eat and because of that, I would feel unsatisfied and hungry.

This week, I had a Chipotle Burrito Bowl...with guacamole and still lost over 3 lbs. Weight Watchers really is not a diet, it truly is about totally changing your eating habits and how you look at food.

The other night, Greg and I went out running. I had my podcast turned down low enough that I could converse with him but still hear the prompts...so I thought. I kept waiting to hear "You are half way" when I suddenly heard "Cool down" Whoops! I let it cycle down and just ended up doing 2 reps of that specific work out.

Since it was raining yesterday and I hate starting a run in the rain, I decided to get up on the hated treadmill. I went through my workout and finally looked at the display. It was nearly a mile less than what I do outside in the same amount of time...how did that happen?

Greg, Kaitlyn and I are signed up for a 5K this saturday,my first 5K in over a year. We will see how it goes.

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