Thursday, January 04, 2007

Getting to Know Hal

<----Oh, before I start, did you see the nifty workout tracker thingy I put over there? I saw that on another blog and thought it was way cool. You can change the colors to match your blog too.

Hal? Who is Hal? Why, it is Hal Higdon of course! As I mentioned in my very brief New Years Day Post, I decided to meld his Novice and his Intermediate I marathon training program.

I am doing all the miles for Intermediate but at a Novice speedwork. I can hear many of you already But Denise, you NEED to do hills. The Flying Pig is a hilly course! Right you are but I currently live in a very hilly area. In driving around my new neighborhood, we seemed to have picked a hilly one as well. I don't think I have to worry about much about hills but never fear, I will get some hill work in before May.

Yesterday was not only my first run of 2007, it was also my first run following Hals plan. It was a really good run. I tried out my Saucony Hurricane's for the first time. Sweeet! They are really comfortable and I think I am really going to enjoy them.

Today, I had 5 mile up and wouldn't you know it, my Garmin fritzed out on me less than half a mile into the run. I am pretty sure that I left it turned on last night after I downloaded my info. No big deal, I kept running and took a stab at my time by looking at the clock when I got back.

My normal 5 mile route is actually just shy of 5 miles. Tonight, I decided to lap the parking lot at the school I run around and that put me just over 5 miles...yay!

Tomorrow I have an easy 3 miles on the schedule. I will be much happier when my husband gets to run with me again. Currently, my 9 year old rides along on her bike or runs with me. I just have to really make an effort to go out and run early since she has to go to school in the morning.

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