Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm Melting....

You would think coming from Tennessee, land of heat and humidity, that running here in the heat and humidity would be easier. The temperatures are less, the humidity is less so why does it feel so much harder to run in it? Much as I dislike the prospect, I think after summer school is over, I am going to have to get up in the wee hours to get my milage in. likes me sleep!

I mentioned that some ladies from my WTP are continuing to meet on Monday evenings. Last week, three of us were there and decided that we were going to train, as a group, for the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon but in 2008. The three of us there have all done at least 10 mile races so this is a nice goal to look forward to.

As life has a way of doing so, I was not able to go out with the RR this past weekend. I had to pick up one of the kids by 9 am so there was no way to make a 5 mile run at 8 am and still get there by 9 am to pick her up. Bummer.

This week, there were four of us that met to run. Two of them are speedy bunnies, one is speedier than I am but stays with me and of course, there is me. I am still plodding along. I like running with others since it actually forces me to run faster than I would. When I am by myself, I tend to go along and not really push myself like I should.

After letting Jess, the lady who was not there last week, about our Rock N Roll plans, we decided to up the ante a little bit more and also go for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in April. This will be after my Disney runs so I should be good to go.

It is great finding people who will run with me!

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