Friday, February 17, 2006


It has been much longer since I updated, longer than I thought.

First up, weight. :::sigh::: I have hit a plateau but I know why. Read my last post, I have weak will power when it comes to eating out. I have lost but it is such a dinky amount. I am back down to 213.8, where I was several weeks ago.

One thing I did was start going faithfully to the gym again. I have been going twice a week and doing 20-30 minutes on the elliptical. I do the manual setting and started at level 1, I am now up to level 2. Next week, I will go up to level 3. I would like to add one more gym day, where I swim rather than do weights/cardio but I need to work up to that.

When I first joined the gym, I met with a trainer to take my measurements and see what kind of weights I needed to be doing. I met with a different trainer today but we had my old measurements on file. My original measurements and weight was taken in November 2004. All of my measurements (tricep, chest, waist, hip and thigh) were down from those initial measurements. My weight was down 20 lbs as well.

This trainer changed some of the weight machines that I had been doing, adding different ones and taking away ones that I don't need as much since I am running.

Another change I have made was signing up with a running program through a local running store. This is a program designed to take a nonrunner to the point they can run a 5K race. I can run already but I still felt this was for me.

We meet for a group run on Saturday mornings and then during the week, we are asked to do 2 runs. I meet with some of the group and one of the trainers at the store for the midweek runs.

I feel pretty darn good about it, I am not the fastest runner there but I am consistant with my running and run towards the front of the pack.

Another good thing about the program is that I was able to have my gait anyalyzed to make sure I was wearing the correct kind of shoe. I over pronate so I now have running shoes that take that into account.

The end goal of this program is that we will take part in a 5K race here in town scheduled for April 9th.

Right now, my exercise schedule is like this:

Monday - elliptical/weights
Tuesday - group run
Wednesday - elliptical/weights
Thursday - group run
Friday - walk
Saturday - group run

I am still having issues with eating out but this week I have done much better. I have made myself better meal options and when the rest went out to dinner, I had a large salad at home instead. Of course, in that incident, it helped that I didn't even go with them since I was doing a group run.

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