Friday, December 28, 2007

Grrr! and Woo hoo!!

I just noticed that my exercise ticker over on the left is no longer working. I have no idea how many miles I had on there, I am going to have to go through my logs to get a ballpark figure of my milage. I can get most of it from but not all of it. I kept an actual paper log (still do) when I first started to run. Once I started running with Chuck, I went to running-log. I also do Sports Tracks with my Garmin.

Word to the wise kids, back up!

I think I found my perfect running parter. It is my sweet dog, Tinsel. She really is the nearly perfect running partner. She is always ready to go, she never complains that I am going too fast or that I am going to slow. She doesn't complain it is raining, it is cold, it is dark, it is hot. She stays with me no matter goes on. She doesn't talk to me and she doesn't get offended if I don't talk to her during a run. She is always willing to give me a kiss and doesn't care if I am sweaty or I stink. Good girl, Tinsel.

Speaking of Garmins...I got Greg a Garmin Forerunner 205 for Christmas. I have to admit that I have a case of Garmin envy even though I am happy with my 201. I like being able to see my pace, how far I went...all the stuff that the Forerunner will track for me. I was admiring his 205 and he asked me if I wanted one for my birthday next month. Ya think? Of course I do! I went web surfing and found the best price on Amazon (where I got his) Then I went to since I knew they have a 110% price match policy. Sure enough, they had the same model for $255. After the price match, I got it from Zappos for $139. It has already been shipped but I will have to admire the box until my birthday.

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