Sunday, February 18, 2007

Food for Thought

I read a lot more blogs than I have listed over there (and it is not a reflection on those not listed, it just means I have not taken the time to add them).

I was reading Lisa's blog and she was singing a familiar refrain: How do I get my miles in during this crappy weather? Bill, who is someone who also reads her blog, made the comment:

Instead of saying "I must run 12 miles today", which may keep you out slogging through the elements long after you're spent, instead schedule a 90 minute run. Whether you run 8 miles or 15 miles during that time, what matters is that you did the time, which is what your body needs more.

It is such a simple thing but it sure hits home. It makes sense, doesn't it? I know that yesterday I was working hard and it took me 45 minutes longer than it should have. In the space of time I took, I should have been at nearly 16 miles rather than the 14 I had to fight to finish.

Maybe this is what I need to do during this crummy weather. I have a 15 miler on my schedule for Saturday. Maybe I need to not be locked into 15 miles but instead, say "I am going to run 3 hours"

I dunno.....I am going to think about this some more. What do those of you who read along think?

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