Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Step For Dummies

Glori and I went to Step For Dummies (Intro to Step) this morning. Kierynn went into the nursery while we were doing this, with Kerry, who is an old pro.

Christy, the instuctor, broke the basic steps down for me. When I was being dense and not getting something, she would break it down even more. I do fine as long as I watch her feet but I can't even begin to add in arm movements yet. Let's not even discuss what happens if traveling is involved. After about 30 minutes, I felt I had most of the basic steps down....with no music and at a fairly slow pace. She did recommend that I move to the front of the class so I had a clear view of her. She also said to watch ONLY her and she pointed out one other lady I could watch in an emergency if I got lost.

Class today was MUCH easier. Amazing how a little thing like knowing the steps involved really helps. This instuctor was also not quite as peppy and clearly let us know before she changed moves on us.

Against my wishes, I also moved up to the front of the class. Ick! Those mirrors! She was right though, after a few minutes, I didn't even see the others in the class, only her. She was very helpful because there were times I knew she was talking to me as she was explaining what she was doing. I think I kept up about 80% of the time today, as opposed to less than 50% yesterday.

Looks like tomorrow will be an evening class since I need to go grocery shopping. See you tomorrow!

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