Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Too Easy?

Since I had too many thing going on yesterday, I didn't make it to the gym. I knew that in advance though.

Last winter, I started to do the Walk Away the Pounds series of exercise DVDs. It is a fairly easy to follow routine yet still provided some major sweat value.

Since I was not able to go to the gym, I got out the DVDs. Either they are not nearly as hard as I remember them being or taking Step Aerobics has made me actually be in better shape in just a few classes.

I did the 2 mile tape and I barely broke a sweat. I sweat in 40 minutes about what I do in the first 5 minutes of Step class. Now, I feel it in my legs, there are a lot more leg work but I still didn't really even feel winded. What a switch from when I first started those DVDs and wanted to collapse as soon as they were done.

I think the next time I can't make it to the gym, I will try the 3 mile tape. I need to find the strechy band, I did it without and while I felt my arms got some work, I know the band works it better.

Tomorrow I am planning to do weights and then I have an insane evening with parent/teacher conferences and Cub Scout leader training.

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