Sunday, July 23, 2006


That sums up my run this evening, it totally rocked! Now, how often do I actually get to say that??

My alarm went off at 6:20 am this morning so I would have time to stumble out of bed and make it down to the fairgrounds by 7:00 am for a 4 mile run. My throat felt awful, swallowing was painful and a simple drink of water to relieve a dry throat wasn't going to cut it. I croaked to hubby to shut the alarms off, rolled over and went back to sleep (after getting a cough drop) This is the first time since February that I have totally blown off a run without letting anyone know but the Sunday runs are kinda a loose affair.

I mapped out a 4 mile route in the neighborhood but it actually came to 4.1 unless I wanted to stop a few houses down the street and walk. After dinner, I bribed a couple kids to come along with me and set out.

I figured it would be a good run since although I was going a longer distance, the temperature was down and even better, the humidity level was significantly lower.

I was feeling pretty darn good by the time I came upon a hill about at the 3 mile mark. In the high heat and humidity, I have made it about 3/4 up before I walk the last bit. Today I felt like I sailed on up.

Chuck had set my long run goal for 4 miles at 55 minutes or a 13:40 pace. I felt like I had done better than that but was kinda hesitant to look at my watch. I felt great but would I then feel crummy if my time was more than 55 minutes?

I ran my 4.1 miles in 49:20!!!! That is a personal best and just a tad over a 12:00 mile. I knew I had an awesome run no matter what my watch said but it was nice to see my watch agreed with me.

I have not met up with my running buddies, Candi and Samantha, in a few weeks. We are meeting tomorrow for a run. Candi has been sick so has not run in a bit. Samantha told me she is going to run St Judes Half with we need to talk Candi into it. She totally can do it.

I think it will be great if we can run the Half together. We have run so many races together since February that it would be weird to run one without them. Of course, when I say run with them, I mean in the same race. Both Samantha and Candi run faster than I do. Even if we start at the same time, they both finish before me but it is nice to know they are on the course with me and will cheer for me at the finish line.

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