Monday, November 21, 2005

Down, Down!

Okay, I was referring to the fat-o-meter over there but techinically, the red goes up as the weight goes down. In any event, I was down .8 lbs from last week.

As always, I would have liked to have seen a larger drop but I have no one to blame but myself. I had a few days for bad choices and it is reflected in the lack of more loss.

I did 3 miles today. I had one child home sick from school so I could not go out for my morning walk. Since he is running a fever, I just did my DVDs. Tomorrow is shaping up to be even worse, timewise. Ugh! Let's not even talk about the rest of the week when ALL the kids are home from school for a break.

Tomorrow I do plan to get a run in sometime, just not sure when that will be.

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