Wednesday, November 23, 2005


It was a clear, cold but beautiful night for running this evening. It was amazing how clear it was and how bright the numerous stars were. I always look for Orion's Belt, mainly because I can identify it, and lately I have been able to see it a lot.

I changed my route today. Not only am I going 2.7 miles now, I also can avoid that bugger of a hill! It was really incredible to me how much better I felt NOT going up that hill, even at a walk. Usually on the downside of my run, when I am less than a mile from being done, I am whipped. Tonight, I still felt pretty amazing.

I have noticed that it used to feel like every minute was more like 10 minutes. Now, when I am running, I am surprised at how quickly it goes. My run this evening was 33:18:40 Just a few weeks ago, I would have sworn that the same route would take at least an hour. I am going to stick to this route for a week or so before I add to it again.

Tonight's run was very pleasing for me. I felt like I got a good work out but I wasn't totally whipped at the end. I can also now talk to my daughter when I am running rather than gasping for breath!

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