Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What Happened?

I was reading back in some old posts. I was full of enthusiasm, I was going strong, I was pumped up and on track. Then it went away.

It was not a sudden thing. It was far more asidious than that. It was a gradual, gentle thing. It started out simple enough, I am sure. It was a busy night and rather than take the time to fix something decent to eat, I went with the easier road. Things ran late, I can't go out walking now..I will do more tomorrow. And the snowball effect started. Rather than get back on program it was just easier to stay off track. Pounds started to creep back on and before Bob's Your Uncle, I was right back to square one, frustrated and daunted by the idea of having to start all over again.

Have you seen the commercial where everyone is looking for the easy button? That is what happened to me. I hit the easy button and I have no one to blame but myself. I have to realize that this is *not* easy and I can't push the easy button if I want this to become a new life style, a way of living for me. I can't compromise here and promise to make it up to myself, I can't skip exercise consistantly and think I will actually do more the next time. I would only be fooling myself because I know that I *won't* do more the next time, I will play the justification game. "Well, I did exercise so even if I don't do the stuff I didn't do yesterday, it is exercise and therefore good for me." Ah, the ways we try to fool ourselves!

This blog is another way of keeping me on track. I don't know who all reads it, I made it a public blog so others could come in here. People rarely comment but I wish they would, even if it is a simple I read your blog comment. I know I am not alone in this quest, there are others out there. I have several wonderful groups of very diverse women who are helping me as well. Oh well, my self lecture is over today!

Yesterday's meals....cause I was doing other things and didn't come on to blog BUT...did ya see I lost 3 lbs since my last weight in?!!?? Wooooo!!!

B: omelette made w/Eggbeaters, cheese
L: lean ground beef patty, cottage cheese
S: caramel rice cake
D: spaghetti pie, broccoli and cauliflower (leftover night!)

Today's meals:
B: bowl of cereal (Lucky Charms, not the best choice out there but I wanted them)
L: Huge salad - lettuce, shredded carrots/cabbage/broccoli/cauliflower, apple, ham, cottage cheese, cheese, dressing>
D: Cheeseburger pie, broccoli
S: Popcorn

A word on the Lucky Charms (or as my 2 year old calls them Yucky Charms)I am not stressing and worrying about every single bite being a healthy, wholesome choice. Yes, I strive to do that but if I make a bad choice occasionally, that is okay. As long as it is only occasionally. If I ate Yucky Charms every morning, that would be a problem. I normally do eat a decent breakfast so it is okay every now and again. No, this is not the justification I talked about earlier. It is just unrealistic of me to expect perfection in my eating habits. Everyone has a day when they want something and today, I wanted those silly marshmallow shapes!

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